Postitusi: 955
2012-07-02 14:31:58
Suvine lemmik külm maasikasupp jäätisega

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Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2013-08-08 00:42:54
Kodu ja Aia 2013. a. augustinumbris jagan kahte külmsupiretsepti: Eespool on üsna klassikaline gazpacho, tagaplaanil imelihtne kurgi-keefirisupp. ja

Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2014-05-25 19:57:06
Tänane lõunasöök: See retsept, aga sibulapealsete asemel kasutasin longus lauku ning lisasin kimbu rediseid ka. ja

Postitusi: 955
2014-05-25 23:29:00
Külmsuppi oleme söönud vast ülepäeva lõunaks, nii mõnus kerge toit. Tavaliselt koosneb külmkapis-kasvuhoones leiduvast - kurk, tomat, salatilehed, sibulapealsed, redis, keedumuna, vahel sink või vorst, peale keefir. Ühel suvisel õhtul aga pakkusin külalistele heeringaga peedi külmsuppi.

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Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2015-07-24 03:01:28
USA ajakirjas Bon Appetit ilmus asjalik artikkel: Your Tomatoes Are Begging You: Don't Make These Common Gazpacho Mistakes Gazpacho is one of summer’s purest and simplest pleasures. While there are many iterations of gazpacho these days, from almond-based Ajo Blanco to fruity watermelon gazpacho to the classic red tomato version, they all share one thing in common: Great gazpacho is chilled, light, and refreshing. This cold soup is easy to make at home, but it’s also easy to screw up—there are a surprising number of ways you can go wrong. To help you avoid them, we spoke with the BA test kitchen about the most common mistakes people make when preparing this warm-weather Spanish soup. Keep this guide in mind, and you’re well on your way to gazpacho perfection. 1. Making It out of Season “Make [tomato gazpacho] in August, or don’t make it at all,” says Claire Saffitz, associate food editor. Granted, if you live in a region where you’re blessed with ripe and juicy tomatoes eight months out of the year, have at it. But, for the rest of us with a short growing season (love ya, New York!), traditional gazpacho should be reserved as a seasonal treat. The delicate balance between sweet and acidic is what makes gazpacho so mind-blowingly good—and it only comes from fresh, recently-picked tomatoes. Thinking about making gazpacho with canned tomatoes? Think again. 2. Leaving in the Seeds and Skins A little texture is a good thing when making gazpacho (and yes, it is a rustic dish), but you shouldn’t be chewing on your soup. That means removing watermelon, tomato, and cuke seeds, and peeling tough cucumber skins. Although it’s often okay to leave on tomato skins when cooking them, they are too fibrous to slurp in soup form. To remove the skins, mark a small “X” on the bottom, gently lower them into boiling water for 30 seconds, then shock in ice water. The skins will slip right off, and you can proceed with the gazpacho recipe. Caveat: If you have a high-powered blender that can really pulverize the skins, go ahead and leave them on. The name of the game is just avoiding big sheets of chewy skin that sneak on to your spoon. 3. Not Adding Enough Seasoning “Cold soups require a surprising amount of seasoning, even more than hot soups,” says Saffitz. That means more salt, yes, but also more acid (think lemon juice or vinegar) and heat (like chiles). Taste, season, chill, and then—this is key—taste and re-season after it’s chilled. You’ll be floored by how much the flavors become muted after a rest in the fridge. That said, it’s possible to add too much to your gazpacho. “Many people make their gazpacho too sweet,” says Brad Leone, test kitchen manager. Ripe, in-season produce will add all the sugar you need, so resist the urge to go crazy with the sugar. (Unless, of course, you’re making a berry-based dessert gazpacho—in which case, you’re on a totally different playing field.) 4. Eating It Right Away [b][/b]The best things in life are worth waiting for. Although it might be tempting to dip your spoon in right after blending the gazpacho, it needs a few hours in the fridge to mellow and let the flavors really mesh. Not only with the taste improve over time, it will allow the gazpacho to properly chill. “Serve it COLD,” says Saffitz. 5. Neglecting the Toppings Yes, a good gazpacho is all about the puréed veggies or fruits. But it really shines with some thoughtful toppings. A swirl of sour cream or cr?me fra?che, a drizzle of fancy flavored oil, a few roasted almonds and green grapes (traditional in Ajo Blanco, an almond-based gazpacho), or a sprinkle of toasted seeds will not only enhance the flavor, it’ll add some much-needed texture. Just be sure to add the toppings right before serving. Incorporate them too soon, and the crispy and crunchy bits will become soggy. ja

Postitusi: 531
2015-08-28 09:15:28

Sõime suvist peedi külmsuppi keefiriga ja endiselt maitses väga hästi. Oleme ka teisi peediga külmsuppe proovinud, aga see retsept on meie pere lemmik.

Hexy asjatab

Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2015-08-28 18:55:39

Hexy, ma nägin Su kommentaari eile ja tekkis vastupandamatu peedisupi isu. Tänane ilm küll nõudis midagi soojemat ja soojendavamat :( ja

Postitusi: 531
2015-08-28 21:15:51

Pille, eks see päev algas jah vihmaselt ja tuuliselt, aga õhtul oli juba natuke parem ilm ;)

Ma panen siia kirja ka teise külmsupi mida me sel suvel oleme teinud. Retsepti sain töökaaslase Anne käest. See on samuti väga maitsev supp.

Anne külmsupp - keefir, keedetud kartul, värske kurk, keedetud muna, lastevorst, roheline sibul, till, sool, kange sinep.


Hexy asjatab

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