TOORTOIT ja toortoitumine (raw food diet, raw foodism, rawism)

Postitusi: 187
2013-04-13 14:25:06
Tegin valget toorshokolaadi, imelihtne ja imehea :) Samas see "toor" seal nimetuses on minu jaoks natuke tinglik - reaalselt on ju vahtra- ja agaavisiirup ju mõlemad kuumtöödeldud. Aga vaja läheb: 3 klaasi kookoshelbeid veerand klaasi magustajat (vahtrasiirup, agaavinektar) 1 tl vanilliekstrakti pisut meresoola Püreesta kookoshelbed köögikombainis, kuni saad ühtlase õlise massi, lisa ülejäänud komponendid ja sega kõik ühtlaseks. Suru mass kas vormidesse või mõnele taldrikule ja pane pooleks tunniks külmkappi. Toasoojas seistes muutub šokolaad pehmeks ja kreemjaks, seega on seda mõistlik külmas hoida :) Retsept on The Rawtarianilt.
Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2013-04-13 18:58:30
Sul on väga lahedad vormid, Gaili! ja

Postitusi: 187
2013-04-14 16:48:39
Sul on väga lahedad vormid, Gaili!
:) Tahaks öelda, et Marks & Spencerist saab, aga selgus, et enam ei saagi... Vähemalt mina ei suutnud leida, et neil üldse veel köögitarvikuid müügil oleks :(
Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2013-06-15 12:38:32
Kanal 11 eetris on sel suvel Õuehaldjate saade ja aeg-ajalt teeb Herdis seal toortoitu: Piknikumenüü (Herdis ja Lia) Proovi Herdise toortoite (Herdis) ja

Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2013-11-21 00:21:40
Üks agar ameeriklannast pressiesindaja saatis mulle mõned toortoiduretseptid. Need vajavad küll kõik (Excalibur) dehüdraatorit! Cranberry Orange Relish Ingredients: 2 cups frozen cranberries (defrosted and allowed to drain) 1 cup diced celery ¼ cup chopped sweet onions 2 tbsp grated ginger root ¾ cup coconut palm sugar 1 tbsp Psyllium powder 2 cups Orange segments, chopped 1 cup chopped sweet and salty walnuts (optional) Directions: To quickly defrost cranberries, place them in a 125°F Excalibur dehydrator for 30-40 minutes. To make orange segments, peel and section oranges, removing the seeds. Chop each segment into about 4 pieces. Put the defrosted, drained cranberries, celery, onions, ginger root, coconut, sugar and Psyllium powder in a food processor outfitted with “S” blade and pulse until coarsely chopped. Transfer the mixture in a shallow glass dish and place it in an Excalibur dehydrator for 2-3 hours at 115°F. Transfer to a glass quart jar and refrigerate for a day or longer prior to serving. Store in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Holiday Nut Nog Ingredients: 1 Quart Almond Milk, Strained 2/3 Cups of Macadamia Nuts 8 Soft Pitted Dates 2 tsp vanilla extract or ½ vanilla bean 2 tsp maple syrup 2 tsp flax oil 2 frozen peeled bananas ½ tsp nutmeg Directions: Dehydrate macadamia nuts in 105°F in an Excalibur dehydrator or 12 hours. If using vanilla bean, sit the bean lengthwise, scrape out the soft center (seeds) and discard the outer shell. Put the vanilla, almond milk, macadamia nuts, dates, maple syrup and flax oil in a blender. Blend with an Omega Blender until perfectly creamy. Just before serving, add bananas and blend until smooth. Serve chilled, sprinkled with a little nutmeg. Black Bottom Pecan Pie Ingredients: Crust: ½ cup almonds 1 ½ cups pecans ¼ cup coconut sugar or evaporated cane sugar 6 soft dates, pitted ½ tsp cinnamon Chocolate Bottom: ¾ cup cocoa powder ¾ cup soft pitted dates 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp vanilla 1 ¼ cups chopped pecans Candied Pecans: ½ cup maple syrup 1 tsp cinnamon Pinch nutmeg 1 cup pecan halves Chocolate Drizzle: ½ cup organic cocoa powder 1/3 cup olive oil 1 ½ cups maple syrup 2 tbsp vanilla Directions: Crust: Place almonds, pecans, dates, evaporated cane sugar and cinnamon in the food processor using the S blade, and process until crumbly, yet sticky. Press mixture firmly into a 9-inch pie plate and set aside. Chocolate Bottom: Blend ingredients in a high-speed Omega Blender to achieve a smooth consistence. Pour ¾ cup of the mixture into the pie crust and refrigerate until firm, about two hours. Save any chocolate mixture that remains to roll into chocolate truffles. Filling: Place dates and coconut oil in the food processor and blend until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and continue to blend until smooth. Fold in the chopped pecans by hand and spread on top of the chilled chocolate bottom. Candied Pecans: Mix together syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg. Coat the pecan halves with mixture and use to decorate the pie. Arrange nuts in symmetrical fashion around the edge of the pie. *Chill the pie for a minimum of four hours prior to serving. * Chocolate Drizzle: Blend ingredients in an Omega high-speed blender until smooth. Drizzle over pie and serve. Additional Notes: To soak and dehydrate nuts, cover nuts with water and allow them to soak at room temperature for 8 hours. Then rinse and drain. Dehydrate at 105°F on an unlined mesh sheet for 12 hours, or until crisp. To warm the coconut oil to liquid, measure the recommended amount into a glass jar. Cover the jar and place it in a warm Excalibur dehydrator at 105°F - 125°F for 30 minutes. Candied Pecans Ingredients: I cup soaked, rinsed and towel blotted pecan halves ½ cup of maple syrup 1 tsp cinnamon Pinch of nutmeg Directions: Toss the soaked pecans, maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg together and spread them on a Paraflexx sheet. Dehydrate pecans at 105°F for 12 hours or until they are crisp in an Excalibur dehydrator. Enjoy as a snack or salad topper, or use in desserts, like the Black Bottom Pecan Pie. Store Candied Pecans or other flavored nuts in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. ja

Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2014-03-30 22:38:08
Toortoituja Sille Poola intervjuu Postimehele: Sille Poola: süüa tuleb nii, et tunneksid end tervena ja hästi, paar retsepti on ka. ja

Postitusi: 939
2014-07-10 21:29:23
Pole just suurem asi "eridieetlane" (ha-ha), aga tegin toorkomme (või toormüslibatoone?) ja need said vägagi head :) Teen teinekordki. Retsept blogis.
Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2014-10-30 12:21:07
Sensas ilmus selline müslibatoonide retsept: Kaer on üks paremaid toiduaineid, võitlemaks kõrge kolesteroolitaseme, südamehaiguste ja diabeedi vastu. Kaerahelbed sisaldavad beetaglükaane – kiudainet, mis puhastab artereid ja vähendab diabeedisümptomeid. Lisaks sisaldavad kaerahelbed ohtralt seleeni, magneesiumi ja kaltsiumi. 1 suur banaan 1 tass peenemaid kaerahelbeid 2 sl kakaoube (või 3 sl toorkakaopulbrit) 1 sl kookosrasva 3 sl kuivatatud aprikoose 1 sl agaavisiirupit 1 tl sidrunimahla pisut kaneeli pisut vanillipulbrit Koori banaan ja tee see kahvli abil pudruks. Jahvata kakaooad kohviveskis tükiliseks puruks. Tükelda kuivatatud aprikoosid. Kui kookosrasv on tahke, siis soojenda see. Sega kõik koostisained suures kausis läbi, kuni saad ühtlase massi. Vooderda u 17 x 17 cm anum küpsetuspaberiga ja aseta segu sellele. Aja segumass käsitsi või labidakese abil ühtlaselt laiali, kata ka pealt küpsetuspaberiga ning patsuta kätega siledaks. Aseta jahedasse ja lase taheneda. Maitse saab veelgi mõnusam, kui jätad segu külmikusse terveks ööks. Kui sul on kiire, võid segu aga tunnikeseks sügavkülma pista. Lõika tahkunud segu parajateks batoonideks ja säilita külmkapis. Energiabatoonid säilivad jahedas kuni nädala ning on ideaalseks vahepalaks nii koolis kui tööl, mõnusaks hommikuampsuks või hoopis tervislikuks magustoiduks. ja

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