Ingrid![]() Kokaõpilane 2008-05-28 12:18:46 |
Ma panen tasapisi siia kirja parimad söögikohad (ja need siis seinast seina: putkast tippklassirestoni) Singapuris. Itaalia-Aasia fusion: Buko Nero 126 Tanjong Pagar Road Singapore, 088534 Phone: +65 6324 6225Köögis toimetab ainuisikuliselt Oscar Pasinato, restorani mahub vaid paarkümmet inimest, ning nendega jutleb-teenindab Oscari abikaasa Tracy. Laupäevaseks või pühapäevaseks õhtusöögiks-lõunaks tuleks reserveerida laud kuu aega varem (nad lihtsalt varemaid broneeringuid ei võta vastu), nädalapäevadel saab laua ka 3nädalase ooteajaga. Keskmine õhtusöögi hind inimesel on ca 60-80 Singapuri dollarit (kurss ca 7.32 EEK = 1 SGD) |
Nipitiri![]() Abikokk 2008-05-28 13:31:05 |
Mina oma ainukesel poolepäevasel viibimisel Singapuris sõin elu parimat Tom Yumi kuskil maa-alusel šopingutänaval (vihma sadas). Kui see on keskmine putkasöögi-tase, siis on mul parimatesse Singapuri kohtadesse väga suur usk! Karta on muidugi, et niipea ei saabu võimalust neid testida. |
Ingrid![]() Kokaõpilane 2008-05-28 13:54:36 |
See ON keskmine tase :) Varsti-varsti, Singapuri parimad putkad :P (aadresse hetkel ei tea, peab sööma taas minema ja siis uurima) |
Vike![]() Abikokk 2010-10-02 05:56:55 |
Lisan siia enda poolt ka ühe soovituse, küll veidi teistsuguse. Nimelt Shangri-La hotellis oleva Blu restorani. Tegemist siis maailmaklassis molekulaargastronoomiat viljeleva restoraniga, peakokk El Bullis töötanud Kevin Cherkas - fantastiline inimene ja kokk. Muide, kui satute sinna ja temaga ise jutu peale, siis on ta erandjuhtudel valmis ka oma kööki näitama :). |
Pille![]() Nami-Nami peakokk 2013-02-18 17:30:35 |
Kuna kaks hääd sõpra on kohe-kohe Singapuri minemas, siis palusin oma heal sõbrannal Johannal (The Passionate Cook) neile soovitusi jagada. Johanna vastas: they need to have breakfast at wild honey (scott's square) - need to book if going on saturday. also, breakfast with a view from the 55th level of ION orchard at salt bar & grill - this is also recommended for dinner and drinks, 22-23:00 happy hour - this should be in walking distance from hotel. my favourite restaurant if they want top-notch gourmet from an asian chef who trained in france, also a pretty intimate affair, is ANDRE this is in the world's top 100, but should be much higher than any other in singapore. (forget Iggy's, and les amis had changed head chef and is forgettable). afterwards, go for drinks on ann siang hill - lots of hip bars. for truly outstanding tapas (ex el bulli staff and some of their signature dishes) CATALUNYA - this is situated in marina bay, with am amazing view. both of those MUST be booked well in advance. if they want excellent japanese cuisine, look no further than Hide Yamamoto - the celebrity restaurant is inside the marina bay sands, they have a more informal bar setting with view onto marina bay (sitting outside possible), HY california. generally speaking, the dempsey hill area (close to botanic gardens) is good for nightlife and has lots of restaurants - one of my favourites there is TIPPLING CLUB - they match cocktails (and some wines) with a really interesting tasting menu - extravagant, but very well executed. they staff are also really friendly, though the bar seating (with view of the kitchen) is not everybody's cup of tea. oh street food stalls are really difficult... thing is, we go to one place for a quick popiah (definite must-try of singapore specialties), and to another for chicken rice... if they want to sample good singaporean food all in one place, i would send them to Lau Pa Sat market (NOT newton circus, where all the tourists go). they even have life music on the weekend (evenings). best strategy there is to ask a non-competitive stall holder who has the best "xyz" ie a dim sum stall holder for the best chicken rice. because they do eat there themselves and they DO know. there are a few rooftop bars which should be checked out - everybody wants to be at the bar of ku de ta (on top of the marina bay sands, noah's ark). in order NOT to have to pay for the lift up, nor the expensive cover charge for the club, they must approach the desk at ground level and say they just want to have a quick drink at the bar. then they won't have to pay. my personal favourites in rooftop bars are lantern bar on top of fullerton bay hotel (also spectacular views), lots of people go to 1 altitude, because it's one of the highest, but it lacks flair in my opinion. if they want to go to the beach, i recommend sentosa's tanjong beach club, decent food, nice drinks, pool, and a very hip crowd on friday and saturdays - big parties that can get a bit wild (well for singaporean standards anyway) oh and NOT TO MISS are the dumplings (xiao long bao etc) at DIN TAI FUNG - many shopping malls has a branch, i prefer the one at paragon or raffles city or marina bay sands. only eat the dumplings (esp the wonton in spicy oriental sauce) and the stuffed chillies and all the steamed dumplings... to DIE for and utterly addictive! if you're at the marina bay sands, austrian chef's CUT (wolfgang puck) does the best steaks in town... but also the BEST cocktails! (well, catalunya now have some amazing ones, too!). try the forbidden kiss, my absolute favourite! in terms of markets, i always recommend TEKKA in little india, but also the TANJONG PAGAR wet market. the taxi uncles should know. try mustafa's for sheer craziness - it's open 24hrs a day and it sells everything you do and do not need - from crazy bollywood style jewellery to anything you could need for your camera, and lots of asian (esp indian) food stuff. it's an experience! if you feel hungry there, grab a roti prata in the place on the corner opposite or go to RAJ vegetarian indian restaurant for dosai. arab street is a nice little excursion for little boutiques and turkish coffee shops, places to smoke shisha etc you MUST walk down joo chiat street - it's got amazing architecture (all the old peranakan houses), look out for the corner shop selling frog's porridge and if you start out on geylang/changi road, there is a hawker center (food court) not far which has PUTU PIRING - a wonderful delicacy of steamed rice flour with gula melakka (brownsugar) served on a banana leaf. not many people know that, it's a bit of a dying trade, but i love it and i think everyone should try it once! things you can give a miss unless you want tacky, touristy, forgettable are clarke quay and robertson quay and st james' power station... don't even go there. boat quay is central, it may not have the best restaurants, but there's lots of nightlife... although i definitely prefer ann siang hill and club street for that. if they are into clubbing, the hottest addresses now are avalon (younger crowd), pangea (older crowd), vault, ... i don't know this scene enough to be of good help, though. |
Pille![]() Nami-Nami peakokk 2016-03-16 08:59:37 |
Üks tore lugu Singapuri lennujaama peidetud "staff canteen" söögikohtadest, mis tegelikult avatud kõigile: Singapore airport's secret staff canteens (CNN, 16.3.2016) |