Postitusi: 175
2011-12-07 19:16:17
Mina ei tea, kas keegi niisuguseid teravaid elamusi ka soovib, aga Helsinkis on selline söögikoht, noh, või õigemini putka, mille nimi on Prik Hom. Asub see WTC plaza kaugemas otsas. Paljud stadilased peavad seda üheks paremaks tai toidu kohaks selles linnas üldse, konkureerib ka Lemongrass, kus ma veel ei ole käinud. Kes ei pelga putkat ääristava leti ääres puki peal süüa, võib Prik Homist kaunis elamuslikku toitu saada. Kes tahab, saab kaasa osta, putka ongi eelkõige mõeldud selle jaoks. See supp, milla ma veidi aega tagasi nahka panin, on siiamaani kõige sarnasem neile, mida ma Tai maal vähemalt kümmekond kausitäit söönud olen. Ligikaudu samasugune, nagu seal maal mootorrataste külge poogitud köökidest saab. Isegi lusikad ja kahvlid on samasugusest õhukesest plekist, nuge muidugi ei ole. Karrisid ei ole veel proovinud, aga kui järgmine kord Stadisse satun, siis katsetan ära.

Postitusi: 243
2012-05-15 10:15:49
Kas keegi oskab soovitada catering firmat Soomes (aga miks mitte ka Eestis), kes osutaks mõistliku hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega teenust (nt ca 20 inimesele) Helsingis.
Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2012-09-06 00:10:17
Soome toidukultuuri professori Johanna Mäkela soovitab kohvikuid Helsingis: Coffee and Karelian pasties Johanna Mäkelä [b][/b] Cafés are at once stages and auditoria – places where you can be seen and see others, says Professor of Food Culture Johanna Mäkelä. The most important aspect of the experience, however, is the delicacies. Johanna Mäkelä, the first professor of food culture at the University of Helsinki and in the whole of Finland, likes spending time in cafés with a good atmosphere. "Being seen is an integral part of city culture, and in cafés people are at once on the stage and in the auditorium." A hundred years ago, Helsinki was already an international city with a great variety of cafés. Today, organic food and locally produced food are becoming a trend in cafés. "Food is a way of discussing politically and culturally important issues," says Mäkelä. Karelian pasties have a special place in the Finnish café tradition. People from the areas Finland had to cede to the Soviet Union in the Second World War were settled in different parts of the country, where they introduced their own food culture. "The Karelian pasty, a filling of rice in a thin rye crust, became a symbol of the Finnish food culture, both in Finland and abroad, even though it originally was typical of only one region." Then again, Finland has a long tradition of pasty-type foods. "It is no wonder that pizzas became exceptionally popular here over a short period of time. Finns were already familiar with the idea of combining different ingredients on a bed of dough. The traditional Finnish kalakukko is fish and meat baked inside a loaf of broad. The combination of fish and meat is relatively rare elsewhere in the world." The pasty tradition may be the reason why Finns have created some wild variations of pizzas. Some of these are related to culture: pizzas have been named after ice hockey terms and even Silvio Berlusconi, who criticised Finnish food culture." "I would like to take this opportunity to recommend cafés that are typical of Helsinki. I was born here, and many of the cafés I have selected are located by the sea, which also is characteristic of Helsinki," says Mäkelä. Kakkugalleria (Cake Gallery) at Design Forum "Food culture includes the relationship between design and food. This relationship is emphasised at Kakkugalleria, which offers the opportunity of enjoying cakes prepared in accordance with international confectionery traditions amidst Finnish design." Design Forum Finland »» Address: Erottajankatu 7 tel. +358 9 241 2014 Café Balzac "This combination of a café and a bistro is different at different times of the day. On Fridays, you can enjoy a three-course supper. On other days, you can have what I think are the best sandwiches in town. One of my favourites is the roast beef and coleslaw, and another one has hummus, roast aubergine and other vegetables. The location of Café Balzac is interesting in terms of urban architecture. It is situated in an arcade, a rare construction that, unfortunately, is closed by a courtyard at the other end." CafeBalzac »» (in Finnish) Cafe Balzac in Foursquare »» Address: Iso Roobertinkatu 3–5 (courtyard) tel. +358 40 506 1806 Café Hopia "This small café and bakery represents continuity in the café culture of Helsinki. It maintains the tradition of making really delicious Karelian pasties. Its interior, which hints at the Kalevala, the national epic of Finland, has remained practically unchanged for decades. It is a good idea to check the opening hours in advance. Those who want to buy Karelian pasties should either order them in advance or go there as early as possible – otherwise they will have already sold out." Café Hopia »» Address: Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 9 tel. +358 9 492556 Café Regatta "Café Regatta is a legendary place, a small outdoor café that is open round the year. The small cottage seats a few people, but most visitors choose to sit outside. In the winter, you can grill sausages over an open fire, wrapped in a blanket. If the sea is frozen, you can watch people skate or ski on the ice. This is a perfect stop after seeing the Sibelius Monument." Café Regatta ( Diamonds and Pearls > Pieni punainen »» (some photos attached to a blog post) Address: Merikannontie 10 tel. +358 400 760 049 Café Adjutant "There are many good cafés near Seurasaari Island. My favourite one is Café Adjutant at the Urho Kekkonen Museum in Tamminiemi Villa. The location is sheltered, and the selection at the café is connected to history in a nice way. My favourites include raw-pickled salmon on rye, a sandwich based on the preferences of President Urho Kekkonen." Urho Kekkonen Museum » » Please note! The museum is currently closed for renovation and will open again in April 2012. Linnunlaulu Café Sininen Huvila (Blue Villa) "I usually go by bike to this café, which is located in an old wooden villa by Töölönlahti Bay. At the café, you can have Finnish juices made from blackcurrant, raspberry and lingonberry, which evoke images of summers spent at a cottage. The view is exceptional: you look out over the bay and many of Helsinki's most famous buildings, such as Finlandia Hall. This is a nice place to visit alone as well, because people's privacy is respected." Café Sininen Huvila ( » » Nopsa Travels Address: Linnunlauluntie 11 tel. +358 9 753 5128 (closed during the winter) Café Engel "The atmosphere at Café Engel is one of constancy – as though the café had always stood at its location in the Empire-style heart of Helsinki. The place is busy in a pleasant way; you always meet someone you know from the university. In the 1990s, Café Engel was one of the places that established in Finland the thought of enjoying breakfast out. Engel is special in that it operates to the rhythm of daily life, from early breakfast to a glass of wine after a movie in the evening." Café Engel Address: Aleksanterinkatu 26 tel. +358 9 652 776 Canopy kioskCanopy kiosks "It pays to keep your eyes open when walking around in the city. Many old kiosks – especially those representing the functionalism of the 1930s and 1940s – have become an extension of the café culture. These pop-up cafés also introduce new features to the tradition." ja

Postitusi: 855
2012-09-16 15:32:19
Käisin oma viimasel puhkusenädalal Soomes. Enamuse aja veetsin sõbranna juures Vuosaari`s. Üldiselt tegime ise kodus süüa aga paar korda käisime ka väljas söömas. Pean tunnistama, et kuna mulle meeldib kiirtoitu süüa, siis väga huvitavates söögikohtades ei käinudki. Üks, mis mulle meeldis, oli Itäkeskuse juures olev FLQ. Väga soodsad hinnad Soome söögikohtadega võrreldes. Buffeelaud, erinevad Aasia toidud, sushi on valikus ja hinna sees. Teenindus väga sõbralik. Plaanin kindlasti seda kohta veel külastada.
Postitusi: 175
2012-10-26 02:46:44
Hoku!! Aga ilma broneerimata ei maksa minna.
Postitusi: 6
2013-10-19 13:28:12
Käisin eelmisel laupäeval Helsingis jalutamas. Oli imeilus päikseline sügisilm, nii et ringi tuiata oli lausa lust. Võtsime ette Helsingi Design Districti, kus palju huvitavaid galeriisid, poekesi, kohvikuid ja söögikohti. Aga astusimeläbi ka vanadest lemmikpaikadest nagu raamatupood ja avastasime erinevaid kohviröstikodasid. Astusime läbi ka räimelaadalt, kust sain selle viimase lükke sinepimarinaadidega katsetamiseks, mis ammu muidu mõtteid olnud :) Pikemalt ja täpsemalt kirjutan oma blogis. | Tassike elu topelt koorega

Postitusi: 1075
2014-01-13 11:45:36
Reede õhtul sai nositud restoran Kuu's Helsinkis. Road olid meil ette tellitud ürituse korraldaja poolt (minu jaoks pisut halvasti see.. :() Eelroog: kooresupp suitsulõhega.. laktoosikuna pidin supist loobuma, aga nokkisin lõhe ära ja see oli lausa suurepärane. Üldiselt seda suppi kiideti taevani. Pearoog: põhjapõder, orsotto ja mingi püreega (vast siis kõrvits). Rahvas kohati kiitis ja kohati laitis.. Vast oli probleem selles, et seltskond oli üsna suur ja osad portsud (nagu ka mulle sattus) oli pisut üleküpsenud. Muidu maitselt polnud paha. Magustoit: oli vast see: Šokolaadi ganache astelpajumarjadega ja toorjuustu sorbet'ga. Laktoosiku õudusunenägu.. nii et ei oskagi kommenteerida. Leiva-saialised, mida kõrvale pakuti olid head. Vein ka. Kohv lausa suurepärane!!! Teenindus oli lausa super. Koht ise mõnus ja hubane. Soovitan.

Gastronautilised äpardused We ate the food, we drank the wine Everybody having a good time

Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2014-03-17 15:29:10
Ajakirja OMA MAITSE 2014. a. veebruarinumbris soovitatakse Helsinki uuemaid söögikohti: Töölö linnaosas asuvat sushi-sõprade lemmikut TOKYO55 (Runeberginkatu 55) Vastavatud STARBUCKSI KOHVIKUT Akateeminen kirjakauppas (Keskuskatu 1) Teesõpradele vastupandamatutt SALUTORGETI (Pohjoisesplanadi 15) afternoon tea'd Senaatintori kvartalis peent restorani LUOMO (Katariinankatu 1), nostalgiarestot SAVOTTA (Aleksanterinkatu 22), itaalia jäätisekohvikut CIAO! CAFFE (Aleksanterinkau 28), kohapeal õlut pruulivat söögikohta BRYGGERI (Sofiankatu 2). Kallio linnaosas asuvat ülipopulaarset toor- ja taimetoidurestorani SILVOPLEE (Toinen linja 7) TEURASTAMO (Työpajankatu 2) ehk endine tapamaja, kus suured portsud ja soodsad hinnad Helsingi vanim Hiina restoran CHINA (Annankatu 25) Ehtne Viini kohvik KRULLA (Lönnrotinkatu 13) Itaalia joonega BRAVURIA (Salomonkatu 1) ja

Postitusi: 175
2014-06-28 03:14:15
Tänapäeval on moes, et peene restorani kokad tekitavad mingi lihtsa söögikoha. No näiteks Välimäkil on Midhill (Linnanmäki oma pidada vilets olema, aga Kaivopiha oma mulle täitsa meeldis). Ja Pastis' küljes, täitsa samas majas, on Kaartin Hodari ja Hummeri. Hot dog võib olla ikka väga väga väga hea eine. Kui istekohta õnnestub leida, reserveerida ei saa.

Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2014-09-10 17:18:58
Soovitused Helsinki külastamiseks: Helsinki’s Top 10 Local Restaurants: Tradition and Innovation ja

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