Pille Nami-Nami peakokk 2011-05-02 13:46:59 |
Sain täna sellise kirja sellises kahtlases (?)/kummalises institutsioonis töötavalt Steven Yellin'ilt. Ehk pakub kellelegi huvi :) This is a story about a subject that affects everyone every day. It is about the food we eat and about an uncontrolled experiment biotech companies are conducting on us. They have done a marvelous job in convincing us that GMO foods are safe. You, as a journalist, may not have thought twice about the food you ate today that contained GMO's, (that is part of the problem because there is no labeling of them!), but if you dig just a little under the surface, you may become more cautious about consuming foods that contain GMO products and more cautious about letting your children eat these foods. Since the FDA has just announced its favorable decision in producing genetically engineered salmon and GMO alfalfa, this is a very timely discussion. And why three months ago did a federal judge in California revoke the government's approval of genetically altered sugar beets until regulators complete a more thorough review of how scientifically engineered crops affect other food? Consider the following facts: 75% of all processed food contain gentically products. 91% of all corn, 85% of all soybean 88% of all cotton, and 95% of all sugar beets grown in the US are GMO produced. The GMO issue affects everyone in America. No company has the right to have ingredients in our food without us knowing what they are, especially with scientific evidence indicating that it may cause us harm. A recent 2 year study by the Russian Academy of Science, our equivalent of the NIH, showed that 3rd generation off-spring of hamsters that were fed GMO food were virtually sterile, had a 25% higher death rate than the control groups and were growing hair in their mouth. This study will be published this summer. A study done by Dr. Airpaud Pusztai, considered one of the world's foremost experts on plant lectins and author of 270 papers and three books on the subject, at the prestigious Rowett Food Institute of Scotland, a part of the University of Aberdeen, http://www.rowett.ac.uk/, showed that GMO potatoes induced intestine damage, harm to the immune system and organ damage to rats. He went on national TV in the UK and said he would not eat GMO foods after he concluded his research. He subsequently was fired from the university and his research was ridiculed. According to Andrew Kimbrell, director of the Center for Food Safety, there has been a revolving door between the biotech companies producing GMO food and the FDA that approves these foods. In Kimbrell's book, Your Right to Know, Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in your Food , he writes, for example, about how Michael Taylor went directly from working as an attorney on Monsanto's behalf to becoming the FDA's food policy deputy deputy commissioner. Under his watch , rBGH (a GMO growth hormone for cows) was approved and it's risks virtually ignored. Studies showed the consumption of rBGH contained health risks and eventually large companies like Walmart banned it from their own brand of milk they sold in their stores. There are dozens of other individuals like Taylor, that alternate working for biotech companies and holding high positions in the FDA and other federal organizations that push through GMO products without evaluating their health risks. These official regularly ignore warning from scientists within the FDA that caution about placing GMO foods in our food chain without more testing. Most Americans would like to know whether they are eating GMO foods. A recent poll by CBS said that 87% of Americans want labeling and that 57% would not buy foods with GMO More that 30 countries have mandatory labeling of GMO's, including all the European Union countries, Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Why don't we? The biotech companies have done an excellent job of creating the impression that GMO foods are safe, while ignoring the warning of leading scientists, including many in the FDA, that question their safety and are pushing for more testing before they are introduced into the food chain. Why is it that our government requires very serious long term tests for safety in drugs we take, and yet doesn't seem concerned about fundamental changes in the foods that we, and our children, eat each day? This is a story that needs to be told to eveyone. We can provide an excellent article on the subject. Steven Yellin 641-455-9999 | |
Netcat Abikokk 2011-05-02 15:09:59 |
Ülejäänu kohta ei tea, aga see katse ja selline tulemus oli tõepoolest olemas, selle kohta on ka otsesemast allikast pärit infot kui googeldada, koos teadlaste nimedega jm A recent 2 year study by the Russian Academy of Science, our equivalent of the NIH, showed that 3rd generation off-spring of hamsters that were fed GMO food were virtually sterile, had a 25% higher death rate than the control groups and were growing hair in their mouth. This study will be published this summer. Elu on ebakindel. Söö magustoit kõigepealt. |
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