
Postitusi: 120
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Kasutaja HISPAANLANE 21.1.2006:
kas keegi teab, kuidas see valmistatud on? hispaania maius, koostis peaaegu sama mis martsipanil. tundub, et hispaanias levinud ja tuntud...
Postitusi: 120
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Kasutaja LILL 24.1.2006:
torrone selle asja nimi? Koostises: vesi, mesi, suhkur, siirup, mandlid, pähklid, pistaatsiapähklid, munavalge. Mul üks retsept aga see momendil kuhugi kadunud.
Postitusi: 120
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Kasutaja HISPAANLANE 30.1.2006:
karbi peal oli kirjas turrón...aga maitses natuke nagu valge halvaa ja koostisainetena olid kirjas: almond, sugar, lemon zest and cinnamon (vaevalt et see kogu tõde on), igatahes oli põnev
Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2008-01-14 13:59:23
Turrón on jah selline nougati-laadne maiustus. Hispaanias tuntud juba 1000 aastat, süüakse eriti jõulude ajal. Kõige tuntumad turron'id on toodetud Alicantes või Jijonas. Mõned turroni liigid: Turron Duro - kõva nougat röstitud mandlitega (Alicante) Turron Blando - pehme nougat jahvatet mandlitega (Jijona/Xixona) Turron de Almendra - tavaline mandlitest turron Turron de Cacauete - maapähklitest turron Turron de Avellana - röstitud sarapuupähklitest turron Halvaaga sarnase maiustuse põhiaineteks on mandlid, mesi, suhkur ja munakollased. Kasutatakse erinevaid mandlisorte: Marcona, Planeta, Mollar, Mallorca, Valencia, neist esimene on kõige hinnatum. Siin kolm internetist aadressilt www.ctspanish.com/christmas/turron.htm leitud retsepti - andke teada, kui vaja eesti keelde tõlkida. "Turron de yema" - munakollastest turron 300 grams ground almonds 300 grams icing sugar 6 egg yolks grated rind of lemon grated cinamon Mix the ground almonds with the egg yolks. Make a syrup with the icing sugar and add the cinamon and lemon rind. Leave to cook until it begins to turn brown. Add the almond paste and cook slowly stirring all the time. When it thickens nicely and does not stick press into a rectangular mould and leave to cool. You can tip it out of mould after a couple of days. "Turron de Alicante" ehk kõva nougat. 1 kilo Rosemary Honey 500 gms sugar 2 egg whites 1,500 gms almonds, heated up in oven 1 lemon Slowly heat the honey in a saucepan until all the water that it contains has evaporated. Add the sugar and mix with a wooden spatula. Beat the egg white until stiff and then add to the mixture. Stir briskly with the spatula for eight to ten minutes then stir slowly over a low flame until it begins to caramelise (turn brown). Put the hot almonds into the honey mixture with the rind of the lemon. Mix well and let cook slowly for a few minutes taking care it does not stick. The mixture is then poured into wooden moulds lined with rice paper. After two and a half hours, the turron is cut. When it is completely cold, the slices are stored in an airtight container. "Turron de Jijona" - pehme nougat 1 dessertspoon cinnamon 250 gms sugar 250 grams white honey 250 grams toasted almonds 250 grams toasted hazelnuts 5 egg whites Chop the nuts finely and then crush them in the mortar until they become a smooth paste. Beat the eggs whites stiffly and then add them to the paste. Put the honey and sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Add the paste to the honey mixture. Mix constantly with a wooden spatula for ten minutes. Remove from the heat, put into wooden moulds lined with rice paper. Leave to cool and then sprinkle with cinnamon.

Nami-Nami.ee ja Nami-Nami.blogspot.com

Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2008-04-26 12:46:02
Tõime hiljutiselt Hispaania-reisilt ka veidi turrón'i kaasa, sel korral Turrón Imperial (suhkruvaba). Nägi välja selline (lihahaamriga tükeldasin, sest lõigata või murda ei õnnestunud :D )

Nami-Nami.ee ja Nami-Nami.blogspot.com