Makrobiootiline dieet (antroposoofiline dieet/Steineri dieet)

Postitusi: 16230
Nami-Nami peakokk
2010-08-21 17:27:52
See on teemaalge, kuhu panen kirja mõned märksõnad ja viited, mis kuskilt täna silma jäid: (muidugi, kui on mõni nami-namikas, kes on antroposoofilist dieeti või makrobiootilise toitumise reegleid järginud, siis võiks muljetada) Macrobiotic diet Anthroposophical food Ideally the food Anthroposophists eat has been produced organically, or even by the standards of bio-dynamic farming. Beyond that the main points are: Eat a lot of grains, whole grains to be exact Eat vegetables and beans(preferably local ones) Avoid processed and refined foods Chew food well before swallowing Not necessarily vegetarian, contrary to some online sources. Most Anthroposophists do eat meat, though they will prefer meat that has been raised according to the methods of bio-organic farming. Wikipedia on macrobiotic diet: Macrobiotics is considered an approach to life rather than a diet. Some general guidelines for the diet are the following (it is also said that a macrobiotic diet varies greatly, depending on geographical and life circumstances): Well chewed whole cereal grains, especially brown rice: 40–60% Vegetables: 25–30% Beans and legumes: 5–10% Miso soup: 5% Sea vegetables: 5% Traditionally or naturally processed foods: 5–10% Fish and seafood, seeds and nuts, seed and nut butters, seasonings, sweeteners, fruits, and beverages may be enjoyed occasionally, 2-3 times per week. Other naturally raised animal products may be included if needed during dietary transition or according to individual needs. Cooking according to the time of the year In spring: Food with a lighter quality Wild plants, germs, lightly fermented food, grain species, fresh greens Light cooking style: steaming, cooking for a short time, etc. In summer: Food with a lighter quality Large-leaved greens, sweet corn, fruit, summer pumpkins Light cooking style: steaming, quick cooking, etc. More raw foods Lighter grains, such as barley, and bulghur In autumn: Food with a more concentrated quality Root vegetables, (winter) pumpkins, beans, cereals, etc. Heavier grains such as sweet rice, mochi and millet In winter: Food with a stronger, more concentrated quality Round vegetables, pickles, root vegetables, etc. More miso, soy sauce, oil, and salt Heavier grains such as millet, buckwheat, fried rice, etc. [edit]Balanced content of food Macrobiotic eating follows the principle of balance (called balancing yin and yang in China). Macrobiotics holds that some foods are overstimulating and can exhaust the body and mind. These are classified as extreme yin (stimulating) in their effects: Sugar Alcohol Honey Coffee Chocolate Refined flour products Very hot spices Drugs Chemicals and preservatives Commercial milk, yogurt and soft cheeses Poor quality vegetable oils Foods that are considered to be concentrated, heavy and dense create stagnation. These have yang (strengthening, but stagnating effects if over-consumed). Poultry Meat Eggs Refined salt Foods that create balance are whole grains, vegetables, beans, sea vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. Foods such as these are used in a macrobiotic way of eating. Planeedid ja teraviljad (MP listist): Esmaspäev (Kuu):Riis Teisipäev (Mars): Oder Kolmapäev (Merkuur): Hirss neljapäev (Jupiter): Rukis ja tatar Reede (Veenus): Kaer Laupäev (Saturn): Mais Pühapäev (Päike): Nisu ja