
Paiseleht ehk ämmakuleht, kõhmarohi, rüüs, vaeselapseleht. Noori lehti süüakse mais ja juunis nagu kapsast või spinatit. Paiseleherullide valmistamiseks keera soolvees keedetud lehtedesse lusikatäis hakklihatäidist. Paiseleht kuulub ravitoidu hulka - see parandab ja aitab vältida hingamisteede haigusi ja köha. Vanarahvas uskus, et paiseleht kasvab veesoontel ja näitab kaevukoha kätte. (The Romans called this precocious flower filius ante patrem - 'the son before the father' because its flowers appear months before the leaves. You'll find it all across the Western hemisphere. In recent years its use has diminished in the many anti-cough medications that used it because of a certain alkaloid found in tussilago said to destroy liver cells. Apparently boiling the plant makes it safer but some countries forbid its use altogether. So I'll say it once - don't do this at home. Even if you find the right plant, you may still damage your liver for good and nobody will believe it came from herbal tea.)